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◎ 单词释义

adv. 辉煌地;光荣地;壮观地, 壮丽地

r. with glory or in a glorious manner
r. blessedly or wonderfully



And not about this glorious house or the glorious people who have lived in it.

而不是这座庄园 也不是庄园里的老爷夫人

No, I'm not gonna harm a glorious little hair on that glorious little head.

不 我不会伤你一根 漂亮的汗毛的

Which will make her feel glorious, which will make her *ile be, in fact, more glorious.

这会让她心花怒放 因此她的微笑就会更灿烂

No, and that is the glorious, wonderful thing of it.

对 但那也正是最绝妙 最棒的地方

The kingfisher, the most glorious of divers.

翠鸟 最出色的跳水健将

There is a place for us, for we are glorious.

"总有我们的归属 因为我们容光焕发"[电影歌词]

If they don't see how glorious you are, they don't deserve you.

如果他们看不出你有多出色 他们就不配得到你

I can't... I can't actually get over how glorious it is out there.

我真的 我真的被 大自然的魅力所震撼

Come with me, sir. It is a glorious sight.

跟我来吧 先生 那景象真是壮观非凡

Then you deny yourself the glorious gift of discovery.
