
音标/读音 ['desibel]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 分贝
[计] 分贝

n. a logarithmic unit of sound intensity; 10 times the logarithm of the ratio of the sound intensity to some reference intensity



Let's see, uh, lawnmower's 90 decibels, jet engine is 120, hearing damage can occur at 85 decibels, gunshots are 140.

我想想 割草机是90分贝 喷气式发动机是120分贝 85分贝就可能造成听觉伤害 枪声是140分贝

Some of them can be about 120 decibels.


But I'll have to tran*it it at 140 decibels.


Hearing it at 200 decibels doesn't improve the song.


For god's sake, woman, lower your decibels.

行行好吧 姑娘 说话小点声

Sounds under 85 decibels are generally considered safe.

85分贝以下的声音 一般可以认为是安全的

He's in the spare room and it's still, like, a thousand decibels.

他睡客房 居然还...简直有上千分贝

I'm required to turn the volume of the music down to a lower decibel level.

我需要把音乐的音量关小 调至低分贝

Biology dictates a minimal startleresponse to a noise over 140 decibels.

生理学上来说 超过140分贝的声音 至少都会引发惊吓反应

Amplifies the ambient sound, blocks out the higher decibel noises.

它能放大环境声 滤掉高分贝噪音