
音标/读音 ['reisist]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 种族主义者
[法] 种族主义的, 种族歧视

n. a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others
s. based on racial intolerance
s. discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion



You declare this is racist and that is racist.

你声称这是种族歧视 那也是种族歧视

Sounds like it could be kind of racist and itit is very racist but it's funny racist.

听起来有点种族歧视 确实很种族歧视 但是是搞笑的种族歧视

Because it's actually more racist to think that's racist.


This is so racist, man, you're so friggin' racist.

这太种族歧视了 你是个种族主义者

Seems pretty racist to me, and I am a huge racist.

我觉得挺种族主义的 而我就是个种族主义者

Ilana, you know that being racist against white people is still being racist.

阿拉娜 你知道歧视白人 同样是种族歧视吧

Definitely racist to ask the black guy to rule if something's racist or not.

而且問一個黑人這種問題 才算是種族歧視

So, I don't support you, I'm a racist.

所以如果我不支持你 我就是种族歧视

No, it's the street that's racist, not me.

种族歧视的是这条路 不是我

No, she It can't be racist because I love her.

不 她 不可能是种族歧视 我爱她