
音标/读音 ['buʃi]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 灌木一样的, 灌木茂密的, 浓密的

s. used of hair; thick and poorly groomed
s. resembling a bush in being thickly branched and spreading



That bushy eyebrow and tattoo of that eye on his ankle.


Alimony, bad investments, bills up to his big bushy eyebrows.

赡养费 投资亏损 账单都摞到房顶了

Mommy says bushy eyebrows are pedestrian, but I think yours are pretty.

妈妈说浓密的眉毛会显得很呆板 可我觉得你的眉毛很好看

Very thick and bushy, and this sort of bamboo is really where you don't want to meet an elephant.

这种竹林非常浓密茂盛 的确是最不该遇到一头大象的地方

I would go in, I would have mozzarella sticks, and I would go look at a *ing bushy cooch.

我会进屋里 吃着奶酪条 自己在网上搜毛逼

Yeah, my lower back tends to get a little bushy if I neglect to prune it.

是啊 我后腰上如果修剪得不勤 就有点毛茸茸的

I go in down the first aisle, next to the artis* breads, and there's this old lady there with these gaudy *ing rings on, ten coats of makeup and this bushy unibrow, taking up the last of them *ing beans.

我走过第一条走廊 在手工面包旁边 那有一个戴着俗气戒指的老太婆在那 涂着很厚的粉底 眉毛很乱 拿走了仅剩的大豆