
音标/读音 ['di:iti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 神, 神性

n. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force



I killed my own brother to serve my deities.

我杀了我的兄弟 以祭祀神灵

He's not a genie or a monster or a co*ic deity.

他不是怪物 或怪兽 或宇宙之神

Such fluids are vital offerings to tantric deities.


And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities.


And if anyone can protect you from that rascally deity, it is I.

要说有谁能保护你不受那个无赖神祇的伤害 就是我了

I have a book on pantheistic deities back at the trailer.


Our planet worshipped you as a deity for many centuries.


He wholeheartedly believes he was being occupied by some form of deity.

他全心全意地相信 自己被某种形式的神灵附身

I can't let you summon some deity from hell on the convent grounds.

我不允许你在修道院这片净土上 召唤来自地狱的神祇

We call them "the festival of the brave," because the bull is sacred, a deity.

我们称之为"勇者盛宴" 因为牛是神圣的 万物之灵