
音标/读音 [stә:n]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 尾部, 船尾, 臀
a. 严厉的, 严格的, 坚定的, 坚决的

n. the rear part of a ship
n. United States concert violinist (born in Russia in 1920)
s. severe and unremitting in making demands



I should have stern words with your assistant.


Garfield, I'm sorry I had to be so stern.

加菲尔德 很抱歉我不得不这么严厉

Been on our stern for more than five hours.


You were kind of stern, but I liked it.

你有点严厉 不过我喜欢

I felt it on the bow. I felt it on the stern.

我在船头感觉到了 在船尾感觉到了

Stern's in the wind, but he'll come out for that penny.

斯特恩下落不明 但是他会为了那枚硬币出现的

Bow doesn't go with stern, but bow does.

首和尾没什么关系 但是船头和船尾有关系啊

He looks stern, but my grandfather was more handsome.

他看着很严厉 但我外祖父更英俊

It's the cleaner fish equivalent of a stern telling off.


Yes, I remember your many stern warnings.

嗯 我记得你很多严厉的警告