
音标/读音 ['læŋgwidʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 语言, 文字, 措辞
[计] 语言

n. a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols
n. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication



Our language is the true language because our language is nothing if it is not numbers.

我们的语言是真正的语言 因为我们的语言完全基于数字

No,her language language is telling you she's innocent.

不是 她说的话证明她是无辜的

The really striking thing that we've discovered is that when we run these experiments what we get at the end looks like a real language, not one of the languages that we see in the world today but it looks like a language in that it's got those essential defining characteristics that we see in language.

真正令我们惊讶的发现是 在这个实验的最终 我们得到的语言看起来像真正的语言 并不是当今世界存在的语言 但看起来像是门语言 拥有已存在的语言所具有的关键特征

Now I don't know why that's the case, but my guess is that that's because when you learn a language as an *, you almost invariably learn it through your native language, or through your first language.

我不知道为什么会这样 但我猜测那是因为 当你作为成年人学习语言的时候 你几乎总是在 通过你的母语或第一语言进行学习

Yes, absolutely, so what people have done in the past was try to teach apes our language, so human language or sign language, or they've looked at their vocalisations.

好 没问题 过去的研究员所做的 是教黑猩猩学习我们的语言 即人类语言或是符号语言 或者他们会观察猩猩的发声方式

No foreign language unless the language is spoken by all.

除非所有人都说 不然不许说外国语言

There's no language for pain except bad language.

对于痛苦 除了骂人没什么好说的

Another language that speaks volumes is body language.


We start the experiment with this garbage language, this random language.


He likes to collect different languages, different words in different languages.

他喜欢收集不同的语言 和不同语言的表达方式