
音标/读音 ['kwitә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 轻易放弃的人, 懦夫, 逃避责任的人
[医] 马蹄疽

n. a person who gives up too easily



Spitters are quitters, and you don't strike me as a quitter.

胆小者从不吞精 而你看上去是敢于尝试的人

And I don't want to be the mother of a quitter.


It's funny; you don't strike me as a quitter.

有意思 你不像是会轻易放弃的人

Hey, I did not raise you to be a quitter.


And if it helps... these two are quitters.

如果有帮助的话 这两人都是半途而废的主

And I don't want you to think I'm a quitter.


I don't like being seen as a quitter.


Funny, you don't strike me as a quitter.

奇怪 你居然攻击我 你个懦夫

You're just jealous I have a salary, quitter.

你个半途而废的 就是嫉妒我有工资

Now, had he been a quitter, the sport wouldn't be what it is today.

如果他放弃了 这项运动就不会像今天这样了