
音标/读音 ['mɒdәnist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 现代主义者, 现代人, 现代主义作家

n. an artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles



Oh, we've decided to deaccession our modernist works.


And now he's being celebrated as the great modernist hero, again.

现在他又在那里像一个 最伟大的现代派英雄一样庆祝

Modernist architecture has a reputation for being arid, anonymous, machinelike.

现代建筑以枯燥 无个性和机械的风格 而闻名

I know most people are unmoved by modernist architecture, but I think this little elegant building could bring about a few conversions.

我知道大多数人对于现代建筑无动于衷 但我认为这座高雅的小型建筑 也许能让一些人改观

Picasso finally left his trauma behind and set off on the path to becoming the macho modernist that we know today.

毕加索最后撇下了他的心灵创伤 走向了有男子气概的现代主义艺术家之路 也就是我们如今所了解的毕加索