
音标/读音 ['dʒuːɪʃnəs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 犹太人身份;犹太教徒身份



Don't say jewish. I wasn't gonna say jewish.

别说犹太人 我没打算说犹太人

Half the area's caribbean, the other half is orthodox jewish.

我们那一半是加勒比人 另一半是犹太人

I just feel silly, not knowing that the man I'm about to marry is jewish.

我觉得自己好愚蠢 居然不知道我即将结婚的对象是犹太人

It's antisemitic to do things like that when you know full well you're jewish.

明知道自己是犹太人还这么做 这才是反犹太呢

My body is a temple, and by that I mean I let a lotta jewish guys in.

我的身體是神壇 意思就是 我只接受猶太漢子

Your brother published a paper on kidney things in jewish doctors journal.

你弟弟在犹太医生期刊上 发表了一篇关于肾脏的论文

Jewish or otherwise, presented by the vice president in his justification for martial law.

那些不过是副总统意图实施戒严令 而故意散播的

To the extent that jewish employees need to be relocated, these employers will service that need.

只要犹太雇员需要重新安置 这些雇主就会解决需求