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◎ 单词释义

n. 驾驶飞机的遥控人员
[计] 报警器, 声信号装置

n. an electronic device that generates a series of beeps when the person carrying it is being paged



All I had was a beeper a frickin' beeper.

我只有一个寻呼机 一个该死的寻呼机

This is the beeper, through which we are contacted.

这是寻呼机 让我们保持联络

Now, I have the pussy and the beepers both.

现在 我既有逼也有寻呼机

I think with a beeper, you just ignore it.

我觉得传呼机的话 你无视它就好了

It's your beeper. It's a bunch of other things from 1991.

這是你的傳呼機 一堆九十年代的東西

Tonight, while you're out in the field, all communication is by beeper.

今晚你们出勤的时候 所有交流都通过传呼机

Uh, let me give you my beeper number.


My beeper number's on speed dial on the telephone.


Idiot you're a guy with a beeper who calls himself the grass king.

* 你有传呼机 管自己叫草王[大麻王]

You know, just a cell phone or a beeper, some pictures.

手机或是传呼机 还有些照片