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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[法] 转得人, 取得人, 受让人

n. a person who acquires something (usually permanently)
n. a corporation gaining financial control over another corporation or financial institution through a payment in cash or an exchange of stock
n. the financial institution that dispenses cash in automated teller machines and collects a fee from the bank that issued the credit card



Management says acquire the territory, we acquire it.

管理层让我们收购这片地区 我们就去收购

Ma'am, you're an acquired taste, and I don't think I've acquired it yet, so... shh.

女士 我知道你习惯大声说话了 但我还没习惯 所以

Aids, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, kills four out of 10 people who acquire it, and that mortality rate might climb.

感染艾滋或者已有免疫缺陷症状 十个人里会死掉四个 死亡率可能还会上升

Because they'd ask how you acquired it.


It's an acquired taste, but I liked it.

不同于传统的味道 但我很喜欢

Some of the skills I acquired serve me.


A, they can acquire necessities for themselves.

第一 他们可以为自己添置必需品

His books have been acquired by my employer.


Acquire that key and the quill is yours.

找到鑰匙 羽毛筆就是你的了

They were already in beta with it when we acquired them.
