
音标/读音 ['spɒtlait]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 照明灯, 反光灯, 聚光灯

n. a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer
v. illuminate with a spotlight, as in the theater



When you're young and from a family like mine, it puts you in the spotlight, and man, that spotlight it blinded me.

像我这样年轻 出身于这种家庭的人 会时刻处在聚光灯下 那种灯光蒙蔽了我的眼睛

Spotlight effect, and the spotlight effect is the idea that we think that other people pay a lot of attention to us when in fact, they don't.

焦点效应 这个效应就是 我们觉得其他人花很多精力关注我们 但其实 并非如此

I shouldn't have put you under the spotlight.


It's not about you taking the spotlight.


No, II don't care about the spotlight.

不 我才不关心出不出门

And it will, now that you're in the spotlight.

你现在已经在聚光灯下了 你们的事藏不住

True, but not because I want to be in the spotlight.

没错 但不是因为我想站在聚光灯下

We're in the spotlight. It's about us now.

今天我们在聚光灯之下 我们是主角

And by the brink, we mean the spotlight.


There's no reason to ruin it with a spotlight.
