
音标/读音 []
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

abbr. 多媒体文件格式(Audio Video Interactive)



Avi, this is fantastic. I'm so happy for you.

阿维 这真棒 我很为你开心

Avi, I don't care about that. I want you.

阿维 我不在乎 我要你

Avis, I don't give a shit what he's doing.

艾维斯 我不管他在干什么

Avi, you are looking at a man on the way up.

阿维 他可是前途光明的人

Avi, I need to see how you are on the stand.

艾维 我需要知道你上庭的表现如何

Avis, there's something I need to talk to you about.

艾薇丝 有件事我要和你谈谈

Avi, it's not my first rodeo, okay? I'm cool.

阿维 这又不是我第一次 没事的

Avi was admitted for a serious outburst at school.


Avis has never been a quick lay. I like that about her.

艾薇丝从不轻浮 我喜欢她这一点

Avi's mother can't just change her travel plans.
