
音标/读音 [pig'meiljәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 皮格马利翁(希腊神话人物)

n. (Greek mythology) a king who created a statue of a woman and fell in love with it; Aphrodite brought the sculpture to life as Galatea



There's also signs of pygmalioni* his obsession with mannequins and dolls.

他也有迹象 痴迷自己创造的东西 迷恋人体模型和玩偶

Pygmalion is a story of creation, about how artistic talent and intense emotion can bring beings to life.

皮格马利翁的故事讲的是创造 讲的是艺术天分和炽热的热情 能把死物变活