
音标/读音 [.fræntʃai'zi:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 有代销权的人(或团体)
[经] 特许证持有人



I used to be a general manager for a franchisee.


But that was before his, uh, gym franchisees started suing him.


This franchisee dreams of opening another center in the future.


You sign up with us, you become an owner driver franchisee.

签约完成 你就是一名加盟司机了

Half of his franchisees truly loathe him, but I don't think any of them are the architects of his demise.

半数加盟商都真心厌恶他 但他们中间应该没人真对他下手

And so what I'd like to do is give you the same training that our franchisees get and teach you how to run a business.

所以我要做的是 让你接受与加盟商同样的培训 教你如何经营一家企业

Our franchisees pay over $40,000 for this training, and I'd like to give it to you, all expenses paid.

我们的加盟商参加这种培训要交四万美元 我要赠送给你 费用全包

So I wanna go undercover specifically into one of our franchisee centers, to ensure that we're paying attention to the things we need to be as an organization.

所以我想特地 进入我们的一家加盟店中心进行卧底 以确保我们这个机构 对该注意的事项给予了关注