
音标/读音 ['hweðә]
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◎ 单词释义

conj. 是否, 不论
pron. 两个中的哪一个

pron. Which (of two); which one (of two); -- used
interrogatively and relatively.
conj. In case; if; -- used to introduce the first or two or
more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or
by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple
negative of the first it is sometimes only indicated by the particle
not or no after the correlative, and sometimes it is omitted entirely
as being distinctly implied in the whether of the first.



And so how they develop, whether they're livable, whether they're sustainable, whether they're economically focused, whether they're easy places to do business in, will affect their prosperity now and over time.

因而城市是如何被开发的 是否宜居 是否可持续发展 是否着眼经济发展观 是否适宜从事商业活动 这些都会至始至终影响着城市的繁荣

Whether or not we should do anything, whether or not we identify them.

我们是不是该采取行动 我们是不是该确认他们的身份

Of whether what he is is who he is or whether he was made to be that way.

关于他确实是他自己 还是说他是被制造成那个样子

Whether or not he's homeless, or whether or not he's insured.

不论他是不是流浪汉 不论他有没有医保

And it really doesn't matter how you look at the figures, whether you're looking at younger kids or older kids or *s, whether you're looking at bullying, whether you're looking at general youth violence, whether you're looking at gun violence.

人们如何看待数据真的无关紧要 无论小孩子 大孩子或是成年人 无论是校园霸凌 还是普遍意义上的青少年暴力 还是*暴力

Whether it's an animal, whether it's a creature, or whether it's actually just the space station go on through its motions of the night.

可能是猛兽 也可能是某种怪物 也可能仅仅是太空舱本身 转入夜间模式时发出的声音

Having an opinion, you have an opinion immediately, whether you like it or not, whether you like something or not, whether you're for something or not, liking someone or not liking them.

观点的产生是即时的 喜欢什么 讨厌什么 热衷什么 不热衷什么 喜欢某人或讨厌某人

Whether he did or didn't depends on whether you pull that trigger.

而值或不值 就取决于你是否扣下扳机

Whether it's proud, whether it's silly, anything.

不管是趾高气昂还是憨态可掬 都可以

But it is always there, whether we see it or not, whether we choose to or not.

但真相就在那里 不管我们是否发现 不管我们选择看还是不看