
音标/读音 ['skaiskreipә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 摩天楼, 三角形天帆

n. a very tall building with many stories



Guys, that's the one where they shoot a car from one skyscraper into another skyscraper.

伙计们 有一幕就是他们开着一辆车 从一幢摩天大楼飞到另一幢摩天大楼

I'll miss you too, you sexy skyscraper.

我也会想你的 你这个性感高挑的小妖精

Could be a skyscraper, could be a box for shoes.

可能是摩天大楼 也可能是鞋盒

cars and skyscrapers, this town in the process.

汽车 摩天大楼 以及这个发展中的小镇提供钢铁

The surrounding skyscrapers act as lightning rods.


And you built a skyscraper on a foundation of shame and skanks.

你们在羞耻和下流的基础上 盖了一座摩天大楼

$2 million to study the feasibility of wooden skyscrapers.

两百万美元用于研究 木质摩天大楼的可行性

Okay, just for the record, you designed toilets and not skyscrapers.

好吧 提醒你一下 你设计的是厕所 并不是摩天大楼

I'm looking at an image of you, almost naked, on the side of a skyscraper.

我正看着你的照片 几乎* 出现在摩天大楼的一侧

They're for a couple of these skinny skyscrapers being built around central park.

它们是关于建在中央公园周边的 高瘦摩天大楼的