
音标/读音 ['hipnәtizm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 催眠术, 催眠状态
[医] 催眠状态, 催眠术

n. the act of inducing hypnosis



Or perhaps a group, that specializes in hypnotizing humans into believing they're specific dogs, and hypnotizing dogs into believing they're specific humans.

也可能是一伙人 专门研究催眠人类 让自己觉得是狗 然后催眠狗 让它们觉得自己是人类

It's certainly not because I hypnotize them.


I'm not going under. I'm being hypnotized.

我才不是沉入 我是被催眠

You were hypnotized. I need you to focus.

你被催眠了 我需要你集中精神

He told me that you had been through hypnotic regression.

他告诉我 你也经历过催眠治疗

He asked her to hypnotize him so he could recover his memories.


Under investigation for the development of battlefield hypnotics.


Now, I've hypnotized you before, so this shouldn't take much.

我之前催眠过你 这次应该很容易

It's likeit's like I was in a trance, I was hypnotized.

我感觉自己就像入了迷一样 神情恍惚

I'd have been hypnotized like everybody else.
