
音标/读音 ['lәuәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 洛厄尔(男子名, 等于Lovell)

n. United States poet (1917-1977)
n. United States astronomer whose studies of Mars led him to conclude that Mars was inhabited (1855-1916)
n. United States poet (1874-1925)



Lowell was devastated after she cheated on him.

洛厄尔发现她出轨的时候 痛不欲生

Lowell, back me up with some of your nerd words there.

洛厄尔 用你的技术词汇帮帮我

Lowell, I got a serious problem here.

洛厄尔 我有个很严重的问题

So, lowell took the kids to the movies.


Lowell tells you how he feels about you all the time.


Lowell, please, I am depressed enough as it is.

洛厄尔 别闹 我已经很难受了

Lowell, you do not want to start driving her around.

洛厄爾 你不能慣著她

Lowell, we love you, and we feel like we're losing you.

洛厄尔 我们很爱你 但我们觉得快要失去你了

Lowell, go upstairs while we secure the premises.

洛厄尔 在确保房子安全前到楼上去

Lowell had a bad reaction to the bear spray.
