
音标/读音 ['tajnzpi:p(ә)l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 镇民, 市民, 城里生长的人, 城镇居民

n the people living in a municipality smaller than a city



Only, it's the townspeople who are paying.


And after we spent all the townspeople's money.

而且是在 我们把捐款都花完之后

Your townspeople are more stubborn than I thought.


Townspeople vanished, never to be seen again.

镇民会消失 再无迹可寻

Easy, townspeople. I'm just doing my job.

冷静点 城里人 我只是尽本职而已

I hear the townspeople are toasting your name their savior.

我听说人民在传颂你的名字 他们的救世主

If only we could solve this problem by letting the townspeople dance.

如果让市民一起跳舞就能解决问题 那该多好

My huge speech, a fight with the townspeople, all gone.

我的重要演说与跟村民的大战 全都没了

I'll assess the townspeople and determine how much work is left to do.

我会对镇民进行评估 看看还有多少工作要做

I think I'll interview the townspeople for some mob mentality angle.

我要去采访下村民 探究一下群体心理的角度