
音标/读音 [pu:l]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 池, 水塘, 石油层, 联营
vt. 合伙经营, 共享, 采掘, 汇聚成
vi. 汇合成塘, 淤积, 联营

n. an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
n. an organization of people or resources that can be shared
n. any communal combination of funds
n. a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid



And he has a yacht with a pool on it and a pool with a yacht in it.

他有一艘带泳池的游艇 还有一个带游艇的泳池

She's in pool one, but we're both in pool two.

她在一组 但我俩都在二组

You guys have a pool? I always wanted to swim in a pool.

你們有游泳池嗎 我一直想在游泳池里游泳

This is a swimming pool, not a washing pool, you singlecelled simpletons.

这是游泳池 不时清洁池 你们这些单细胞傻子

So, then I put the pool next to the other pool, but that meant the lake had to move.

那我把游泳池放在另一个旁边 但这意味着得给那片湖挪地方

I think crawling through that pool of blood as a baby might be why I don't like pools.

我想小时候在血泊里爬行 或许是我不喜欢泳池的原因

When we located the pool where she was drowned, we found a matching barrette inside the pool skimmer.

我們在排查她淹死的泳池的時候 在排水濾網那里找到了配對的另一只發夾

Just 'cause you win a pool game, doesn't mean you get to keep the pool cue.

你赢了一场台球 也不能把球杆据为己有啊

I know I should wait 30 minutes after I eat before I go in the pool, but hey, then I'd never go in the pool.

我知道吃完东西后 要过30分钟 才能进泳池 但那样的话 我永远都没法进泳池了

We've got three golf courses, two bowling alleys, oh, an indoor pool, and the outdoor pool.

我们有三个高尔夫球场 两条保龄球道 一个室内游泳池 还有室外游泳池