
音标/读音 ['flu:әnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 流利的, 流畅的

s. smooth and unconstrained in movement



But... but for all I know, you're fluent in all of them.

但就我所知 这些你都挺熟练的

No. I don't... I'm not fluent in facial expressions.

不 我不知道 我又不是表情專家

If it's of any help, my ward here is quite fluent.

也许能帮上忙 我监护的这孩子讲这种语言相当流利

We were kind of fluent after a couple of weeks.


I don't understand what he's saying. I thought you were fluent.

我没听懂他说什么 我以为你俄语很流利呢

But you've got to be fluent in their artistic currency.


I mean, you are positively fluent in the language of love.

我是说 你对这些情情爱爱真是信手拈来

On the plus side, once it wears off you'll be functionally fluent.

往好处想 药效一退去 你就能流利说了

It speaks volumes about tomorrow when you are fluent in forgiveness.

当你怀有一颗宽容之心 爱的未来才更有意义

You know you've the most fabulous hair so thick and fluent.

你的发质好极了 浓密顺滑