
音标/读音 ['spektә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 幽灵, 妖怪, 凶兆

n a ghostly appearing figure
n a mental representation of some haunting experience



But swooping down from the clouds comes the most terrible spectre of all.

但是最可怕的鬼神 从天际猛扑下来

Some might call me a ghost, a spectre that's in tune with the entire multiverse.

有些人也许会说我是个鬼魂 一个和多元宇宙紧密相融的幽灵

A spectre to stalk those unpunished brutes whose reckoning is long overdue.

纠缠不休的鬼魂 与犯下罪孽却未遭惩戒的禽兽清算过去

Our perspectives on the spectres of mortality must not be compromised by an askew index of commerce.

我们对死亡的看法 不该被扭曲的商业眼光所破坏