
音标/读音 [hæm]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 火腿, 后腿, 笨拙演员
a. 过火的, 做作的
v. 演得过火

n. meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)
n. (Old Testament) son of Noah
n. a licensed amateur radio operator
n. an unskilled actor who overacts



Then you'd have the whole ham to yourself.


...and your quads and your hams and your shins.

四头肌 大腿肌 小腿肌

It's a ham, in one, the other, he did not say.

这个是火腿的 那个 他没说

Maybe it's because I hammed your *oothie.


Aw, man, you could *oke a ham in there.

天呐 里面烟大的都能熏火腿了

Bake a ham not necessarily in that order.

烤火腿 顺序不一定是这样

No, on his pressed ham sandwich or any sandwich.

不 他吃的任何三明治里都不能放

It's actually a halfpound of chipped ham.


We've got ham, and I think some turkey.

我们有火腿 还有些火鸡

Frank, I need you to get on the ham.

弗兰克 我需要你上无线电