
音标/读音 [wɒt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 瓦(特)
[化] 瓦; 瓦特

n. a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohm
n. Scottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry (1736-1819)



This thing's a few watts from being a lightsaber.


Watts, if you're up there, come on down, now, nice and slow.

瓦茨 如果你在楼上 马上慢慢走下来

Watts was the catching detective for anything out of the casino.


We're about 100,000 watts short of our candela target.


The sound coming from the gun I gave you is 40,000 hyper watts of laser.

这声音是我给你的枪发出来的 这枪有四万超瓦的激光

Exactly. It's a principle of thermodynamic efficiency, which occurred to me could be applied to a building which generates over 240,000 watts of electricity.

正是 这是热力学效率的一个原理 我想到这可以适用在一栋 产生超过240000瓦的电力的建筑上

The environmental impact study says the thermal conductivity of the soil in this valley is .54 watts per meter.

环境影响研究显示 这片山谷土壤的热导率是 每米0.54瓦

The electric currents here are very large, the electric power that we're using of the order of a 100 million watts, the sort of power you would use for running a *all city.

这里的电流非常强 这里我们用到的功率 是在亿瓦数量级 差不多是一个小型城市所需要的功率了