
音标/读音 ['baiәumæs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 生物量
[化] 生物质; 生物量

n. plant materials and animal waste used as fuel
n. the total mass of living matter in a given unit area



What they have to eat is sugar biomass.

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Extrapolating the biomass of a timetraveller regenerated me.


The scraps and our waste all go into a biomass generator.


They turn that stuff, equally biomass, into energy.


The more biomass you feed it, the faster it learns, the more it changes.

提供给它越多生物 进化越快 形变越多

We want to get robots to turn biomass into electricity.


The only way to see what it's evolving into is by feeding it a larger biomass.

知道它会如何变异的唯一方法 就是提供更大的生物样本

Take him off the phasethree serum, and prep for biomass infusion.

停止注射第三阶段血清 准备注入生物原料

Protomolecule seems to behave uniquely in each subject, mutating rapidly in each different biomass.

原分子病毒在不同个体中的表现各不相同 在每个生物体中都迅速发生变异

It's this stuff, it's the living world, and you have an industry whose basic approach is to take living biomass, liquidate it, feed it to synthetic organi*s in order to create the plastics and the fuels that previously were made from petroleum, and as an industrial model that's a terrible industrial model.

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