
音标/读音 [.edifi'keiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 启迪, 熏陶

n. uplifting enlightenment



I, too, share in, uh, happy edification.

听到此事 我也甚是欣慰

And here I am straining my one remaining lung for your edification, and you've found something outside that captures your fancy even more.

我在这里用我仅存的一个肺 启蒙你的知识 而你却觉得外面的东西 让你更加入迷

Elijah, I have compelled the city's finest pastry chef for your personal edification, and yet you ignore my efforts in favor of needless concerns.

以利亚 我已经催眠了这座城市 最好的面包师来迎合你的口味 你却仍为了无谓的担心忽视我的好意