
音标/读音 [lɔ'rein]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 洛林(法国东北部的一个地区);罗琳(人名)

n. an eastern French region rich in iron-ore deposits



Lorraine, look, I'm not looking down on you.

洛琳 听着 我没瞧不起你

She gave me a quiche lorraine for the road.


Lorraine may have fallen for that kind of sweet talk, but not me.

洛琳可能会听你这种好听的话 但我可不好糊弄

We need some information on a client named lorraine horton.

我们要Lorraine Horton的客户资料

Lorraine, I have so much love to give, and I'm not wasting it on my hu*and anymore.

洛琳 我有很多爱想要给予 我不想再把它浪费在我丈夫身上

Suspicions continue to swirl around samantha's parents brian and lorraine burch amid accusations that they killed their daughter and claimed she was abducted.

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