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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 湿透的

v submerge in a liquid
v rip off; ask an unreasonable price
v cover with liquid; pour liquid onto
v leave as a guarantee in return for money
v beat severely
v make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
v become drunk or drink excessively
v fill, soak, or imbue totally
v heat a metal prior to working it
s very drunk



They were totally dry before I soaked them. I soaked them.

我弄湿之前裤子是干的 是我弄湿了

That pan had to soak and you know it.


Then pop them in the fridge to soak.


Today is about soaking up all my knowledge.

今天的重点就是 吸收你哥的无限智慧

It was raining, and we were soaked, but we didn't care.

当时在下雨 我们都湿透了 但我们都不在意

All indications are that the bullet was soaked in it.


But there was this rag soaked in chloroform.


What if I do some peanuts to soak up some of this alcohol.

给我来点花生 把这些酒精吸收掉吧

I was soaking it, I'll clean it now.

我刚刚在泡它 我现在就洗干净

Here's some bread. It'll soak it all up.

吃点面包 把食物吸收进去