
音标/读音 [hit]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 打击, 打, 冲撞, 讽刺
vt. 打, 打击, 碰撞, 打中, 袭击, 偶然碰上
vi. 打, 打中, 打击, 碰撞, 偶然碰上
[计] 击中; 找到; 瞬时打扰

n. (baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball)
n. the act of contacting one thing with another
n. a conspicuous success
n. a dose of a narcotic drug



When people started to hit her, hit the family, hit him.

当人们开始攻击她 攻击她的家人 攻击他丈夫时

If he hit you, he hit other women, too.

如果他打你 他也会打其他女人

But if he hits me, then he doesn't hit ethan.

但如果他打我 他就不会打伊森了

They don't hit you when you can't hit back.


...then you hit general, you hit display, then you hit text size.

点通用 显示 文本大小

We hit him, he hit a few of his friends.

我们击中了他 他击中了他的几个朋友

I hit on her, but she hit back. I was outhitted.

我调戏她 她也调戏我 我被反调戏了

You hit them, they hit you, your adrenaline escalates.

你打他们 他们打你 你的肾上腺素激增

Okay, but if you hit him, do not hit him in his neck.

好吧 但如果你要打他 一定不要打他的脖子

He hit me. I learned to hit him back.

他打了我 我学会了如何反击