
音标/读音 ['ti:ðiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 出牙, 出牙现象
[医] 出牙, 生牙

n. the eruption through the gums of baby teeth



So I tried my teeth, and my teeth were loose, but then, it wasn't me, it was a baby.

我试了试我的牙齿 牙齿是松的 然后发现那不是我 是个婴儿

So, over time what happened is that our ancestors thank you very much who started off with teeth as big as this, huge gnashers, over time, those teeth diminished in size, and got a lot more like the teeth in your mouth.

随着时间的流逝 我们祖先的牙齿 非常感谢 最开始 有这么大 怪兽般巨大的牙齿 尔后尺寸逐渐缩小 变得更像你们嘴里的牙齿了

But trust me when she sinks her teeth in, she really sinks her teeth in.

但是相信我 当她盯上你 你可就逃不掉了

The false teeth replaced the missing deciduous teeth.


She says they'll rot my teeth, but they're baby teeth; they're falling out anyhow.

她说汽水会让我烂牙 但这是乳牙 反正也要掉的

Look at their little teeth in the front, quite big teeth really.

看看前面的门牙 真的很大

So modern human teeth are tiny in comparison to this australopithecine jaw with its teeth.

现代人类的牙齿和这具南方古猿 下颚上的牙齿相比堪称袖珍

I had a full row of teeth behind a second full row of teeth.

我第二排牙齿后面 还有一排牙齿

We have her milk teeth and her * teeth, which give us her age three years old.

我们有她的乳牙和恒牙 这些牙齿告诉了我们她的年纪 三岁

And then he did have false teeth and by the time I knew him he had a pretty good set, but I think it took a while to get a good set of false teeth.

还镶着假牙 我认识他的时候 他就有副不错的假牙 可是安一副好假牙可不是一两天的事