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◎ 单词释义

n. 另一面;反面



On the flipside, he could have an older business, one that's been around for years.

或反过来 他也许有一家老字号 经营很多年了

Well, you know, the flipside of closing quick is that you gotta get out and soon.

早谈妥也代表 你们得早搬走

There's a hope that when you sit down in a theater to watch the movie, you will see and understand the flipside of everything we did to get you there because you would have been involved with it in some capacity.

我们希望当你们 坐在电影院里看电影的时候 你们可以领会到我们为了让你们融入 电影所做的每件事的另一面 因为你们在某些方面本就可以轻松融入