
音标/读音 [dis'dʒɔintid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 关节脱位的, 脱臼的, 脱节的, 没有条理的, 次序混乱的, 杂乱的, 支离的
[计] 不交的

s. taken apart at the joints
s. separated at the joint



They're disjointed, they're silly, they're full of... gaps.

它们缺乏连贯性 不可理喻 到处是断层

I've got a new name for our joint investigations: disjointed.

我给我们的联合调查行动取了个新名字 脱节联合

Except if there were multiple attackers, there would be a more disjointed blood splatter convergence point.

只是假如有 多个袭击者 喷溅的血迹 就会更加杂乱