
音标/读音 ['pæti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小馅饼

n. small flat mass of chopped food
n. small pie or pasty
n. round flat candy



Like, they always give me a beef patty when I specifically ask for a pepper patty.

我每次特地要求青椒堡 他们还是给我牛肉堡

Patty, for the last time, that is not me.

芭迪 我再说最后一遍 那不是我

We grind them up, and we make a patty out of that.

我们将它们磨碎 做成馅饼

That's packing a bit of a punch, that patty.


Patty's my sister, but she's not here right now.

帕蒂是我妹妹 不过她这会儿不在

Patty will get the chance to do the same to you.


Patty, just spit it out. I don't... I'm pregnant.

帕蒂 尽管说出来吧 我怀孕了

I forgot, so I'm baking a few hamburger patties.

我忘了 所以我得做几个汉堡肉饼

Oh, I can taste that hellfire in the patty.


Patty, it's not like she can go out and promote it.

芭迪 她不可能去外面推销