
音标/读音 [si:'njɔ:rә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 夫人, 太太, 已婚女子

n. an Italian title of address equivalent to Mrs. when used before a name
n. an Italian title or form of address for a married woman



So sorry. I know, signora. I apologize.

抱歉 我明白了 女士 我道歉

II don't know what you mean, signora.

不知道您什么意思 夫人

Signora, your school offers a chance for betterment, escape.

夫人 您的學校能讓人變好 給人生路

No, signora, the girl needs to practice, that's true, but she already knows how to read and write.

不 夫人 这小姑娘需要练习 的确 但她已经会读写了