
音标/读音 ['hә:mәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 赫尔曼(男子名)

n. United States jazz musician and bandleader (1913-1987)



Herman and I have shared dozens of patients before.


Herman's gonna pick us up after work.


Herman never understood that my career came first.


Herman, you will be pleased to know that the club has voted to grant your membership.

赫尔曼 你知道此事会很高兴的 俱乐部投票决定授予你会员资格

Herman will cave your face in and turn you into a worse cripple than you already are.

赫曼会揍烂你的脸 让你比现在更残废

Herman died because hermit crabs grow out of their shells, and they need to find new, bigger seashells on the beach to grow into, or they die, and we didn't know that.

赫曼死了 是因为寄居蟹长大后从壳里出来 必须在沙滩上找到更大的寄居壳 否则就会死 但我们当时并不知道