
音标/读音 [æs'mætik]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 气喘的, 患气喘症, 治气喘有效的
[医] 气喘的

n. a person suffering from asthma
s. relating to breathing with a whistling sound



I'm sorry to waste your time, but I'm asthmatic.

抱歉浪费了你的时间 但我有哮喘

Tedward, that could be this asthmatic hammer thrower I dated.

泰沃德 这可能是我约会的哮喘链球运动员

He's asthmatic, dyslexic, wheat, lactose and sunlight intolerant.

他有哮喘 朗读困难 受不了小麦 乳糖和阳光

So you wrote down this asthmatic kid's pulse ox as 98.


And that is how a short asthmatic scientist landed a stone cold fox.

这就是一个哮喘矮子科学家 如何搞定了冷血冰山美人

Mycotoxins in mould spores may cause your asthmatic bronchitis to reoccur.

孢子里的霉菌毒素 可能会引起你哮喘性支气管炎复发