
音标/读音 ['britl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 易碎的, 脆弱的, 易坏的
[机] 脆的, 脆性的, 易碎的

n. caramelized sugar cooled in thin sheets
s. having little elasticity; hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped
s. lacking warmth and generosity of spirit
s. (of metal or glass) not annealed and consequently easily cracked or fractured



Once they cool down they turn brittle.

一旦冷却后 它们就变得易碎

Her bones were brittle from the disease.


They have become brittle in the icy water.


Because of the, uh... the brittle bones, because of his disease.

因为他骨质脆弱 因为他的病

I have no patience with anyone. I... I've become very brittle.

我对所有人都没有耐心 我变得...很容易发脾气

or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles.

也不是奶油脆 或者焦糖 或者糖屑

Well, he was fiveone and had brittle bone disease.

他1米54 而且有脆骨病

Mark, I've got a brittle diabetic in two.

马克 我要去二号房看一位脆性糖尿病病人

I got brittle bones, I'm an old man.


12 kinds of cookies and homemade peanut brittle.

十二种不同的饼干 加上自制的花生糖