
音标/读音 ['enәdʒi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 精力, 精神, 活力, 能量
[化] 能; 能量

n. (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs
n. forceful exertion
n. enterprising or ambitious drive
n. an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing)



So have an energy drink, don't have an energy drink.

所以喝功能饮料 不喝功能饮料

I'll just endure her energy while I'm there, while preserving my own energy.

我就...在那边时忍受她的能量 同时保持住自己的能量

It's running on toroidal energy, socalled zeropoint energy.

靠环形冷核聚变驱动 就是所谓的零点能量

It converts all the artifacts' energy, directs all that energy to the new warehouse.

把所有藏物的能量转变 直接将这些能量转移到新仓库

Your energy feather allowed my energy feather to find its voice.

你的能量羽毛让我的能量羽毛 找到了自我

To me, you're just energy waiting to be converted into a different kind of energy.

对我来说 你只是一种 待转换为一种能量的 另一种能量罢了

We are all made of energy, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

我们都是由能量组成的 能量不能被创造也不能被毁灭

Fat stores concentrated energy, and energy is necessary for transformation.

脂肪存储了高密度能量 而转化过程就需要能量

If the energy of a deceased loved one still lingers, cleanse your own energy.

如果一个逝去的爱人的能量依然存在 净化你自己的能量

When it attacks her again, you will combine your energy with the energy of the power grid to destroy it.

等它再袭击她时 你就把你的能量 和电网的能量联合起来消灭它