
音标/读音 [mæm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. [英方]妈(等于mamma)

n. a member of a Mayan people of southwestern Guatemala
n. a Mayan language spoken by the Mam



Mam, I really don't have time for this.

媽 我真的沒時間和你說這個了

Mam will be delighted you did it anyway.

如果妈妈知道你还是照做了 会很高兴的

Mam may be hiding her sugar rations.


Made their mam a promise, I did, that they could come and... come here.

我曾对他们的妈妈承诺过 他们可以来我这里

He lost his father around the same time I did my mam.


Mam, where are you going? I'll get the bus home.

妈 你去哪 我自己坐公交回家

My mam will kill you if she sees us.

我妈要是看见咱俩 她会杀了你的

Mam, I'm gonna have to ask you to stand and assume the position.

女士 我不得不要求你 站起来 做[又意"猜想"]这个动作

My mam also says that a *ile doesn't cost anything.

我母亲也常常说 简单一笑 无需任何成本

My mam died of a drug overdose when I was really young.

我妈妈 在我小时候死于过量吸毒