
音标/读音 ['sinjuəsli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 蜿蜒地, 弯曲地;拐弯抹角地;错综复杂地

r. in a sinuous manner



The tribe*en form the sinuous shape of a moving crocodile.

部落人模仿爬行的鳄鱼 排成蜿蜒的长队

The garlands don't match, the undulations of the sinuous stroke are totally off.

笔迹并不吻合 弯曲的地方完全是不一样的

That youth is paramount, that the sinuous agility of the young mind and body will always triumph over the ravages of age, the slowness of decrepitude.

相信青春至高无上 相信年轻头脑身体的灵活机敏 永远胜过年迈的缺残 和衰朽的迟缓