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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 限定的, 限制的

n the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase
n success in satisfying a test or requirement
v prove capable or fit; meet requirements
v pronounce fit or able
v make more specific
v make fit or prepared
v specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement
v describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of
v add a modifier to a constituent



She's qualified, she's ambitious, and she's here.

她既有资格又有志向 而且人都来了

but all these people are more qualified than i am.


I'm not sure I'm qualified for this.


Then they should hear it from you that they didn't qualify.

应该由你去告诉他们 他们没有符合条件

They're less qualified, and they don't have you.

他们水平不如我们 而且也没有你

I am more than qualified to be a diplomat.


I bet he's only half as qualified too.


Liz, I'm flattered, but I'm not qualified.

莉斯 我受宠若惊 但我没有主持资格

And you don't want to work with what you're qualified for.


the most qualified person on this planet.

You are probably