
音标/读音 ['mili]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 米莉(女子名)



Millie is already up to one percent support.


Millie, put me through to the day side control room.

米莉 帮我接日间档的控制室

We're gonna be printing millie dollar billies, baby.

我们能躺着赚钱了 宝贝

Milly's asking after her dogs, trying to keep her occupied.

米莉在打听她的狗 想拖住她

Millie, I know you only want to be president so you can control people.

米莉 我知道你竞选总统的目的 不过是想控制他人

Millie said if I dropped out, she'd let me pick songs at dances.

米莉说如果我退出 她可以让我选跳舞的曲目

Milly, we'll need to see anything that photographer's kept from that day.

米莉 我们得看看 摄影师保存的那天拍的所有照片

Milly, these are friends of mine from a long time ago, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

米莉 他们是我多年前的朋友 多年以前 在一个遥远的星系里

Now, if our money were laundered at, say, like, a decent 25 percent, our 800 thou would still beat the shit out of your millie.

假设我们的洗钱税率是 划算的25% 我们洗完的八十万还是比你们洗完的一百万多