
音标/读音 [klaut]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 敲击, 破布
vt. 打补钉

n. a target used in archery
v. strike hard, especially with the fist



The super vigilante who found the body, who everybody's calling my super gal pal, it's costing me clout, and I need clout to get jurisdiction over the goddamn body.

你是发现尸体的超能义警 大家都说你是我的超能女老铁 这让我很尴尬 而我需要有威望才能拿到尸体的管辖权

They don't have the 'hood clout to snub me.


I deal with excons. I don't have that kind of clout.

处理的都是前科犯 我哪有那能耐

One more year, I'll have the cash, the clout.

再做一年 我的钱 名气都够了

And I just burned right through all the clout that I had going in.

结果我偏偏害自己的调查 全部毁于一旦了

But you've got no clout, and you've got no money for a campaign.

可你没有什么影响力 也没钱去竞选

And that's what you seek not wealth or control or clout no, true power.

那就是你追寻的东西 不是财富 控制力或者势力 都不是 是真正的力量

Oh, you are awfully *art for a man with no real clout.


I rope in donations from the partners, you get to flaunt your political clout.

我说服合伙人捐款 你去炫耀你的*影响力

He'll lose his political clout on the hill, and all that backscratching and horse trading will go straight out the window.

在这个问题上他就失去影响力了 之前那些秘密商定和努力 就全都白费了