
音标/读音 ['pɔns]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 男妓;靠妓女为生的人, 为妓女拉客的人

n. a man who is effeminate in his manner and fussy in the way he dresses



Ward might be a kink but he's no ponce.

沃德可能有点* 但他不是皮条客

Ponce, tell me you don't have a doll of your mother at home.

庞塞 告诉我你家没摆你母亲的干尸

The earlier punk scene, we was almost like ponces.

早期的朋克舞台上 我们都像是娘娘腔

No reason to learn to strut and ponce about like the redcoats.

没理由像英格兰军人一样 学着装模作样地走步

End of your peachy life as a kept man, as a ponce, a leech.

你作为一个吃软饭的小白脸 卖肉的寄生虫的好日子就结束了

You all ponce around, asking about jobs 40 years ago.


The bloody ponce was turning 'em into vampires and just killin'.

那个该死的基佬把他们变成了吸血鬼 只为了杀了他们