
音标/读音 ['pɑ:li]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 连本带利的赌
vt. 连本带利的赌, 使增值, 成功地利用

n. a series of wagers in which the winnings from one wager are used as a stake for the subsequent wagers
v. stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager



And you can parlay that into a whole career.


Throw in some parlays and a couple of losers.

弄点连本带利继续赌的 也放点水

Which I will then parlay into getting her to fix our problem.

然后我再提 帮我们解决问题的事

Fortunately, I was able to parlay that into a successful career.

幸运的是 这成就了我伟大的职业生涯

Was just hoping to parlay with someone about the specifics.


Did not even see that coming, your little parlay there.

完全没预见你这波妙语连珠 以及你最后的那句彩头

You'll be thanking me when I parlay that coin into a better roof over our heads.

等我用这钱赚到更好的房子时 你们会感谢我的

I'm gonna parlay today's take into a *in' jackpot.

我会把今天的钱拿去下注 大赚一笔

Besides, a parlay is supposed to be between persons of equal stations.

再说 谈判应该 由身份平等的人进行

They agreed to meet on holy ground and to parlay unarmed.

他们同意在圣坛前见面 并解除武装