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◎ 单词释义

adv. 不仁慈, 严酷, 无情, 坚韧, 不懈, 不屈不挠

r. in a relentless manner



They are tenacious, but you are relentless.

他们很有毅力 但你会不休不止

I aappreciate that, but I was relentless.

谢谢谅解 但我当时是死咬着不放

He's a relentless bastard, I'll give him that.

我不得不说 他太残忍了

He may have been relentlessly teased because of it.


She rran, but the rain was relentless.

她开始奔跑 但雨水冷酷无情

I know it's a lot, but she is relentless.

我知道你一下子难以接受 但她死咬着我不放

Cardiology wanted them, but I was relentless.

心脏科那边想要 但是我比较无情

It's because he's relentless, he would literally die for her.

正是因为他死脑筋 才会愿意为她赴死

She's been pursuing him relentlessly and he's stubbornly ignored her.

她一刻不停地追求着 雄猴却假装看不见

I'm already the subject of relentless gossip.
