
音标/读音 [,ekstrәtә'restriәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 地球外的, 地球大气圈外的

a. originating or located or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere



It's all been written, but the word is extraterrestrial.

都已经写下来了 但是用外太空文字写的

And, yes, it has been confused with the extraterrestrial.


And what's causing it may be extraterrestrial in origin.


The conspiracy is not to hide the existence of extraterrestrials.

这个阴谋不是要去 隐瞒外星人的存在

Some people believe that the book is extraterrestrial in its origin.


We're devoted to protecting the planet from extraterrestrial threats.

我们致力于保护 这颗星球不受外星威胁

No one has more experience dealing with hostile extraterrestrials than you.

对付有敌意的外星人 没人比你更有经验

Like the passion you have for proving extraterrestrial life.


..Is the complete corpus of an extraterrestrial biological entity.

百分之百是 外星生物的尸体

If it were true, it would be confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

如果这是真的 这也将证实 外星人的存在