
音标/读音 ['pɒinti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 尖的



So, that lady with the long nails right there her hu*and is sleeping with the girl with the pointy boobs, but pointy is having a baby with the guy in the eye patch.

那个有长指甲的女士 她丈夫在跟胸部坚挺的女孩睡觉 但是挺胸女跟眼罩男 有了个孩子

And a pointy hat sticking out of your eyeball.


I was just over there, and the only pointy peaks he's interested in are hers.

我刚在那边 他唯一感兴趣的尖尖角在她身上

A star is, you know, pointy and starshaped.


Waste of a pointy stick if you ask me.

要我说 真是浪费了一根尖棍子

So, this is where all my shampoo and pointy tweezers end up.


A term of endearment. I like pointy.

亲昵用语 我喜欢尖锐的东西

I mean... I meant the pointy swords.


It's pointy, which means it's a fast boat.

带尖头的船 那便意味着是一条快艇

Yours are pointy, mine are lovely and *ooth.

你的凸出来 我的圆润漂亮